logik ke tak?

cuba tgk gambar kat atas, post 12hours ago, tp comment 13hours ago? cmne tuh?

a word can be a motivation !

hye guys !!
we are human, right? everyone has their own weakness and own special..we should "muhasabah diri" to correct ourself. then we need people who always be beside us such a friend, family and most importantly our "musuh"..actually word "musuh" is not suitable enough..but what i mean is, someone who do not like us or someone that hurt because of us..we are human, so of course we make some mistake in our life..

thats why, for me we should have other opinion or judgement about ourself..we must accept their opinion or judgement about ourself..it was better to listen on what our weakness in ourself, that was the importantly..sometime, the one who be close to us just tell us about our good, but if we ask others who are not even like us well, it much better..so friend, if i make a mistake, please let me know and help me to correct my mistake..i need you guys, i'm a human too, so no wonder i did lot of mistake in my life, my word and so on..please, please and please, let me know that..

i'm sorry guys, if i have hurt you, or say something that you don't like and else that i do not even know..i'm so sorry..

p/s : kinrina, ash, rain ahmad and others, thanks for being my friends !

ini semua kerana kamu bernama teman...

temanku sekalian...

Selama ini
Teman yang sejati
Buat menemani
Perjuangan suci

Bersyukur kini
PadaMu Illahi
Teman yang dicari
Selama ini
Telah kutemui

Dengannya di sisi
Perjuangan ini
Senang diharungi
Bertambah murni
Kasih Illahi
KepadaMu Allah
Kupanjatkan doa
Agar berkekalan
Kasih sayang kita

Kepadamu teman
Ku pohon sokongan
Pengorbanan dan pengertian
Telah kuungkapkan

KepadaMu Allah
Kupohon restu
Agar kita kekal bersatu
Kepadamu teman
Teruskan perjuangan
Pengorbanan dan kesetiaan
Telah kuungkapkan
Itulah tandanya
Kejujuran kita...

indah bukan? begitulah ap org kata kita berkawan, berteman, bersahabat n sama waktu dengan..sebut pasal kawan, pasti semua ad kawan kn..n pasti ad kawan rapat or kawan baik..kita hidup bukan keseorangn, tgk sekeliling kita, ramai kn org yg menemani hidup kita..alhamdulillah, kita dikurniakan  mereka untuk menemani kita..

tapi kn, adakah kita hargai org yg ad disekeliling kita..?benda basic je tu kn..kita ptt berterima kasih pd sahabat kita..mereka yg sudi berjuang bersama kita..bg korang semua, ap yg orang buat if kawan korang wat salah..?marah?tegur?benci?tarik muka?or what so ever..tp korang kne ingat, manusia xlari dr wat silap..korang pn pasti pernah buat silap kn??..so ap salahnya kita memaafkn, dr kita merosakan persahabtan kita..setuju x?

ha. lg 1..ap pn yg terjadi, kita dgr dr mulut org k ap, cbe kita siasat dulu, jgn terlalu mudah percaya kata org..or the best way is, tanya face by face..jgn terlalu mudah buat kesimpulan..siapa kita untuk judge org..kota sama je, semua bernafas guna oksigen untuk hidup..hehe

i love you all friends..n thanks for sharing this life with me :)

it;s all about photography :)

sesuai ke tajuk tu ye? haha..anyway just want to share something with u all..terutamanya org yg sukakan gambar..

pernah dengar HDR ? High Dynamic Range ? betol ke tah, haha..lebih kurang la..benda nie da lama da, cuma xsemua org tahu..this is all about photo..i do love photography, i love camera n i really crazy with all about picture n camera..back to our topic, HDR..its was a software n for sure it's not created by me even my major course is software..haha

HDR is one of photo editing software but is quite good n simple but really nice..try it, i already n always use this software..look at the picture below, it was a combination of camera, skill n HDR "touch"

please give your comment ! i need to improve :)
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it's back !!

sesudah sekian lama menjadikan diri seorg yg sepi, sekarang ia kembali..apa yg kembali? 

it's about strength, mood, life and so on..yg penting semester da pun bermula, kelas pn da byk..mean assignment pun akan mula "menghantui" diri..haha

apa yg penting??bukan kerjasama je, tp strength utk menghadapi semuanya..if Mira Lyana bole, xkn la aku xbole.. :) credit to Mira,  sebab your word is always give me strength ! thanks Mira, even i do not know u well, n kte just pernah jumpa sekali, but u are so nice ! moga u berjaya dalam hidup u..n keep writing :)

now it was my turn to struggle untuk capai impian :) come everyone, especially my dear friend, HND 3 (3) lets do our best to be one of the best !! gambate !!