If u did, don't blame other??

klas cancel??wah da bgn pg2 tp xde klas..thats not a good thing for me..huh tp klo prg sarapan pn best jgk, tp mcm nk puasa..

"assalamualaikum!!" suara dr luar

dgn rase plik,spe tah yg dtg pg2 nie.."waalaikumslm, jap2"

tgk2 kwn si cicoi dtg nk print..oke! then bunyi bising dr luar, "mcm mana nk save, asyik lari je" aq pn kluar la dgn niat ingn membantu..tgk2 word document kwn yg tadi ble d save je cam kacau smua margin.."bdk HND tlg la" aq cbe la tgk then bole..ahaaha perasan sekejap mntng2 bole :P

oke! da ckup melalut ntah kemn..hmm one thing in my mind today "what i have done yesterday??" whether i did a good or bad thing..wah susahnya nk taw kn..either perkataan kita 2 menyakitkan org len or perbuatan kita salah..the best thing to do is, think well about what we will do, before we regret in future..once we made a decision, there is no turning point..

don;t blame others if your decision is not the right..so muhasabah diri kita, then be more matured..

times up..ad klas!!


p/s tlg bg pandangn  "what the best thing to do if we did something wrong"? jgn jd cam gambar diatas..

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